Jordan Anderson

Hustle and Bustle holidays

In Freshman Year on November 28, 2008 at 10:06 pm

So I have severely slacked this week, I am sorry, I am making up for it with hopefully numerous posts in the next few days.  Today has been exciting.  Went to a movie with dad and Lara, it is tradition.  We saw Four Chritmases, and I thought it was really funny. I really enjoyed it.  But now I am ready to rip my hair out, I am busy busy busy, I am trying to be crafty for christmas this year.  Lets just say now i know why I don’t do things like this more often.  I know that the outcome will be great but it is a lot of hard work.  It can be fun, but I just get so frustrated with things.  Thanksgiving was amazing I spent it with two wonderful families and for that I am very thankful. There are a lot of things I am thankful for.  I am thankful for everyone for supporting me.  I am especially thankful for my parents because without them I could do nothing.  I am thankful for Evan, he is nothing short of amazing to me.  He has been there for me for everything and puts up with my crazy self and I love him for that. I love him period.  I LOVE MY FAMILY AND MY LIFE.  I am truly blessed.  Tonight will be fun though, after Evan gets off of work he is coming over here.  It is time to decorate for my favorite holiday! Christmas!! Most people like Christmas because of the gifts but that is the least of it for me.  It is just a fun holiday, it brings people together, has great music, and is just GREAT!!!  Now there are a few things that annoy me but I just ignore them.  I really hate the day AFTER thanksgving.  Everyone is doing there Christmas shopping.  Today at Bridgestreet, this woman freakin plowed over me.  I was standing in the bark by P.F. Changs and this woman just decided that she would, instead of walking around me, try to walk through me.  It just made me livid.  Some people have no respect.  Oh well I quickly got over it.  Oh I almost forgot, during the movie this guy phone rings….and he actually answered it,and carried on a freakin converation.  Dad got mad and was like “dude did you REALLY answer your phone in the freakin movie,” either he didn’t hear him or he just ignored him.  Well anyways I will update again later and let everyone know how tonights decorating goes!!

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