Jordan Anderson

College Hell

In Uncategorized on November 17, 2008 at 5:08 pm

I am so sorry to everyone! I have been so busy! All that matters is that things are back to normal.  So where do I even begin? Well I will being with I vow to never go without posting that long again 🙂 Last week was hectic.  I had papers due, tests to study for, classes to register for, and sleep to catch up on.  Whew, just listing it stresses me out! WELCOME TO COLLEGE.  Which is where is thought I was, but apparently I was greatly mistaken.  I have obviously entered the great world of Kindergarten all over again! I do not understand how students can be so immature and childish.  It really baffles me.  I came home last night and Sarah, my roommate, had left me a not on our white board on the door.  It also had a drawing on it and where she and I both were.  Well between trips to my car someone erased the board.  Its really childish, and we have figured out who it is.  The girl across the hall, Elizabeth, saw the girl who live next door, erase our board one night.  Apparently, she and my roommate like the same guy; however, the same guy only likes Sarah.  Needless to say someone is throwing a hissy fit and “vandalizing” I guess you could say, our “property.”  I wonder if she is responsible for drawing and male body part on my turkey as well.  It greatly disturbs me to know that people who want to be treated as an adult and with respect, cannot show others the same courtesy.  It makes me really angry.  I decorated for christmas last night, ( I know a little early) but i wanted to be able to enjoy it before I have to go home for the holidays, and I am worried that someone my destroy MY personal things.  I will never understand why people can’t just grow up.  I had to vent about that, so thank you for reading.  Thats just college I guess. Just another experience.

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